Friday, June 1, 2007

One drivers test down, and only a few hours until boarding

Well this will be quite short, considering how late it is, and how very much I still need to accomplish before tomorrow morning arrives. For all of you who have been following along with the Elske-needs-a-grown-up-drivers-license adventure, I can proudly tell you that I passed my test with flying colours early this morning. Sure I may have left it until the last possible minute - and as such will have absolutely no chance to use said license for over a year- but the point is that I now have it.
As for offshore prep, things are slowly coming together. Travellers cheques and money switching happened today, as did Malaria med pickup (not to mention all the little last-minute errands that never fail to take longer than anticipated.) The Grace is now in the Inner Harbour (feel free to visit, one and all) and is truly a sight to behold. Now all that is left for me to do is to pack up my entire life for a year, and move it into a bunk that is 6ft x 3ft. I already have photos up all around my bunk, and have managed to be rather creative in my storage techniques.
Anyways, wish me well, and the next you'll hear of me will be from Honolulu. Take care

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